He got permission from the holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam) to recite poems. Hasaan bin Saabit (RA) was the first Naat Khawan (poet) of Muslim world who started writing and reciting naats (poetries) under the supervision of last prophet hazrat MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam) to defend Islam against Kuffar at that time. Who is Naat Khawan:Ī man or women who recites naats will be known as Naat Khuwan or Sana Khuwan mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam. But today many naat khawans have started reciting their naats. So the naats written by writers in that times are just written in their books. Because in the previous time there were not fast communication and media services available. Muslim writers wrote many naats in their era but naatkhawani is gain popularity in 20th century. So the difference between Hamd nad Naat is simple, In hamd we recite verses which belongs to praise of Allah swt and in Naat we recite verses which praise prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam) personality. When ever some body describe the greatness and say words in praise of Allah swt, then we will say that he is reciting hamd. Hamd is the word derived from the first word of Surah Fatiha Al hamdulillah which means all praise to ALLAH. Then man who recites the written poetry about praise of prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam) is known as naat khawan in Urdu. In simple we can say that a man who talks about the habits, likeness, interests, and instructions of prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam) is reciting naat sharif. What is Naat?Įvery word that is used to praise prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam) will be known as naat. This naat Ahmad Ya Habibi is recited by Aishwa Nahla Karnadi. Muslims also listen naats on day of Jumma Mubarik. As prophet MUHAMMAD sallallahu alaihi wa ala wasallam tells us that jumma is the best day among all other so send more durood sharif on me on that day.
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People love to listen and download naat sharif in holy month of Ramadan Kareem, Rabi-ul-awal, Muharram and also in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Here on our site you can download all naats of famous naat khawans of Pakistan and other countries.

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